"There appear to be some issues with the regular expression engine and Japanese characters. This can cause crashes or features to not work correctly."ずがびーん。
"This Firefox extension allows you to save pages of interest to read later. It eliminates cluttering of bookmarks with sites that are merely of a one-time interest."
"The web design and development industries cannot and will not wait five years or more for the W3C and its current process to come up with the goods. Our clients will not allow us too."
"You’ve got one paragraph to clearly define the term “web standards” - if you can do it in one sentence, all the better."
"I say this a lot: Web development would be easy if it wasn’t for the fucking browsers. That is to say, HTML, CSS, and the DOM aren’t really that difficult, as they’re spec’d. What makes them difficult is the browsers (especially one browser in particular)."