links for 2007-12-15
林氏の記事。確かに"下手に成功してしまうと、Internet Explorer同様の独自スタンダードになる危険もはらんでいる"けど、準拠すべき標準にきっちり準拠したうえで独自規格をアドオンするなら個人的には無問題。
"We don't think 80 percent of users use IE because it's so good. We don't think it is a very good browser. We think we should be able to compete on merit."
"Bundling in itself is not a problem, but it becomes a problem when a dominant player in the market uses bundling in combination with other tactics to prevent others from competing in the market."
"That's why Microsoft was much more eager to support standards when they were challenging Netscape around 1996. So I think their choice in standards is basically a business decision?it's not a moral or technical issue for them."
"Following Opera's action, today I am calling on Bert Bos, chairman of the CSS Working Group, and those higher up within the W3C including Sir Tim Berners Lee, to immediately disband the CSS Working Group in its current form."
JeffreyからAndyへの冷静な?回答。"The web standards movement needs leaders who are passionate, but their leadership must also make sense."