"Håkon from opera brings the Acid test to the table. Browsers do try to implement, but tests are needed. Not always more tests. The Acid test, for instance, was a single test, but really efficient (because it was so easy to run - and so hard to pass?)"
"Richard Schwerdtfeger, IBM, proposed to merge the two groups. In his opinion, one group is looking forward and the other one is looking at things backward."
"Terminology and definition of openness notwithstanding, getting more people to contribute does have a great appeal: this means more ideas, more pairs of eyes and brains to look at the specification."
"New tags and attributes in HTML: validator complains, then microformats overload classes. This is a vicious circle."
"omnidea Rulers allows to create on whole screen area a set of rulers, like most common graphic editors allows on their working areas only."