"This document collects together into one definition all the specs that together form the current state of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)."
"This specification defines in general a subset of CSS 2.1 [CSS21] that is to be considered a baseline for interoperability between implementations of CSS on constrained devices (e.g. mobile phones)."
"Firefox 3 implements a global Microformats object that provides access to microformats. This object and its API make finding and reading microformats easy to do."
"Yum! Yum! eeeek!"、ふいた。
"We have reports of other problems that we have yet to confirm, including crashes resulting from certain uncommon UI interactions. We are currently planning to resolve all of these issues in Firefox"
"CronniX is an Aqua frontend to the powerful Unix tool "cron"."
"TexFinderX is a powerful and accurate tool to search and replace text inside entire folders. It is the fully rewrited version of the old TexFinder, now MacOS X and Windows XP compatible."