links for 2007-05-12
"Shows a popup on tabs and enables you to preview and navigate tab contents through popup."ただし、"Tab Scope doesn't work normally on Mac OS X."
WWW2007での講演資料みたい。発表者はHarry Halpin (U. of Edinburgh)、Fabien Gandon (INRIA)。このあたり、ちゃんと時間取って勉強したいのだけど。
Roger経由。"They propose that XML parsers ? at least those used to parse XHTML ? should attempt to recover from well-formedness errors and try to build a reasonable DOM tree instead."
今年のW4Aでの講演スライド集。どれも面白そうなので後でチェック!特に"Web Browser Accessibility using Open-Source Software"。
I would like to go to the summit Molly, but I'll not be in France, but in Germany on 15th! What a sad...I hope the event works well and you give us what happened there later!