Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/14/2025
- Future of CSS: Select styling without the hacks - DEV Community
"No need for JavaScript to handle dropdowns. Full control over appearance while keeping built-in accessibility. Potentially faster rendering and better performance."
- A11y 101: 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose - Nat Tarnoff
"One of the ideas about accessibility that people often forget is that accessibility is security."
- Functions in CSS?! | CSS-Tricks
"Arguments?! Return values?! That's worth spitting my coffee out for!"
- Daring Fireball: Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino
"What Apple showed regarding the upcoming "personalized Siri" at WWDC was not a demo. It was a concept video. Concept videos are bullshit, and a sign of a company in disarray, if not crisis."
- Containers & Context - Frontend Masters Blog
"It looks and feels like a bug, but really it's just a situation of a spec change and varied levels of browser support for that change. It's not a matter of support-or-no-support of a feature, it's a side effect."
- The Difference Between HTML Attributes and Properties - Cloud Four
"Note: When you submit a form with an input, the value property will be used, not the attribute."