Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/13/2025
- axe-con feedback | Just Melanie from the Internet
"Fabulous ending- you don't need permission to write accessible code - yes!"
- View Transitions Applied: Smoothly animating a border-radius with a View Transition - Bram.us
"because View Transitions fade snapshots, the border-radius does not nicely animate but simply fades from the old state to the new state."
- Text (digitised) and videotape: video transcripts help everyone, not just people with access needs - Accessibility in government
"Similar numbers of respondents watch video content without reading transcripts (28%) as do the opposite - reading the transcripts without watching the video (25%)."
- Nobody should be a "content creator" | Christian Heilmann
"I don't want to compete in a race to keep people occupied and I don't think anyone should."
- The journey toward a more accessible internet | Deque
"Digital content creation is getting easier and faster as content creators increase their use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), and the accessibility gap is widening instead of narrowing. Digital accessibility isn't keeping up. We must get ahead and close this gap."
- What UK companies need to know about the European Accessibility Act (EAA)
"If your company is a B2B company that only operates in the UK or outside of Europe, nothing changes for you. But in case you do business with any company inside Europe, you have to align with the European Accessibility Act."