Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/24/2025
- Introduction to Frontend Development - The New Stack
"Learn the fundamentals of frontend development, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This beginner-friendly guide covers essential skills to build interactive and responsive websites."
- The Popover API is now Baseline Newly available | Blog | web.dev
"On these mobile browsers, clicking outside of the popover didn't close it, a feature known as light dismiss. This is a problem that would prevent most developers from being happy to use popover. This meant that it shouldn't have been included as Baseline back in April, and needed to wait until the bug was fixed in Safari 18.3."
- Web Accessibility Lawsuit Moves Forward Against the State of Louisiana - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"The lawyers argued that the deadline for 2024 regulations requiring state and local governments to make their websites and mobile apps accessible have not yet passed. (The deadlines are in 2026 and 2027 depending on the size of the state agency.)"
- Reimagining Fluid Typography | OddBird
"I want responsive typography, and browsers (as a rule) don't make that available in user settings. There are some browsers (like Safari) that accept arbitrary CSS preferences, but that's rare - and only useful to people who write CSS."
- Skip links: what, why, and how - tempertemper
"Preventing the main content container getting a focus outline when the skip link is followed (since a focus indicator would suggest it's interactive, and it's not; plus focus can't be placed back onto it manually so an indicator would be doubly misleading)"
- 1.4.10: Adversarial Conformance -- Adrian Roselli
"This is something I call adversarial conformance. HAL the UI designer can claim that it followed WCAG even though it's clear that HAL expended effort on minimally conforming while negative outcomes are seemingly obvious."