Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/20/2024
- Introducing the CSS anchor positioning API | Blog | Chrome for Developers
"If there actually is a semantic relationship between the anchor element and the positioned element (for example the positioned element is a sidebar comment about the anchor text), one way to do that is to use aria-details to point from the anchor element to the positioned element(s)."
- Where does SEO come from? - The History of the Web
"In 2007, Jason Gambert filed a trademark claim in the United States for the term Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO. Almost immediately, there were a couple of problems. The first was that the term SEO had already been in use for well over a decade, with an entire community behind it. The other problem was, nobody knew who Jason Gambert was."
- Firefox DevTools Newsletter -- 127 - Firefox Developer Experience
"We made displaying rules in the Inspector 5% faster for the common case, and even 600 times faster on pages with very large stylesheets (going from ~3 seconds to ~5 milliseconds in a page using Tailwind)! This was made possible by moving away from our DevTools-specific, JS-written, CSS lexer to a Rust-based implementation."
- Flow Charts with CSS Anchor Positioning
"Using a bit of JavaScript we can make our node elements draggable and create a draggable flow chart."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Modern CSS Layout is Awesome: Talking and Thinking About CSS Layout
"Most people are not focused on trying to become CSS experts, but on knowing enough to do their job well. And that's okay!"
- An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element | Blog | Chrome for Developers
"This element lets developers declaratively ask for permission to use, for now, a subset of the powerful features available to websites."