Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/25/2023
- CSS text-wrap: pretty - Chrome for Developers
"I personally use balance for headlines and pretty for paragraphs."
- Color contrast accessibility tools with examples - Pope Tech Blog
"In this article, you'll learn about three color contrast tools you can use to find and fix contrast issues. Next, we'll put these tools to use to fix four contrast issues from real websites."
- The WHATWG Blog -- The URL Pattern Standard
"Welcome to the newest standard maintained by the WHATWG: the URL Pattern Standard! The URL Pattern Standard gives a generic pattern syntax for matching URLs, and extracting the parts from them."
- Wait, what's a bookmarklet? - The History of the Web
"It is difficult to trace the exact moment that all of this began, but there did come a time when the concept--a shareable JavaScript URL that acted as some sort of personal utility--needed a name. In December of 1998, Steve Kangas did just that, when he launched Bookmarklets.com."
- Select element: now with horizontal rules - Chrome for Developers
"Now, you can add <hr> (horizontal rule) elements into the list of select options and they will appear as separators to help visually break up the options for a better user experience."
- Splitting within Selects -- Adrian Roselli
"At the very least, it is a visual-only affordance, so I am not sure it is an equivalent experience for low- and no-vision users."