Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/19/2021
- Analytics Tools Can't Track Screen Readers -- And Shouldn't
"Designers and developers often have excellent intentions when attempting to collect data about people with disabilities -- typically, their goal is to find accessibility barriers and remove them. However, the data could be used for unethical and potentially illegal purposes."
- Internationalized Domain Names Are Still Not Well Supported in 2021 - Zack Apiratitham
"All in all, if there's one thing I took away from this exercise is that when developing software, we should really consider diversity and inclusion aspects from the beginning and not just take the path of least resistance and only support what we're familiar with."
- The State of CSS 2021: Conclusion
"All of this together means that 2022 is likely to be a year where the way you write CSS is going to fundamentally change. It's an incredibly exciting period, and we look forward to all the amazing implementations in the year to come."
- Design tokens automation pipeline: From design tools to component libraries (Part 1) | by Alex Bueno | Medium
"For our second step in the journey, we're only going to cover the integration within Adobe XD and Style-dictionary and a Figma plugin called Design Tokens."
- Top 5 Internet Technologies of 2021 - The New Stack
"I also like that Figma is not just trying to replace current tools; it's trying to invent new ways of working."
- Why 543 KB keep me up at night - Manuel Matuzović
"The problem is not this specific website or how fast it loads, but that shipping seems to be so much more important than performance, usability, accessibility, or user experience."