Diigo Bookmarks 03/05/2020
- CSUN Assistive Technology Conference 2020 | Deque Systems
"The following sessions are still on schedule and will be made available via virtual Zoom meetings. Register using the links below to attend the sessions of your choice."
- Usablenet - Webinar Recap: ADA Website Lawsuits in 2020
"Accessibility lawsuits at every level will increase"
- Microformats | weblog | Google confirms Microformats are still a recommended metadata format for content
"With this announcement, Microformats are now the longest-supported metadata format that Google parses, since at least 2009!"
- SETI@home hibernation
"On March 31, the volunteer computing part of SETI@home will stop distributing work and will go into hibernation."
- 4 Ways to Animate the Color of a Text Link on Hover | CSS-Tricks
"We just looked at four different techniques to achieve the same effect. Although each has its pros and cons, you can see that it's totally possible to slide in a color change on text."
- Is SEO dead in 2020? - Search Engine Watch Search Engine Watch
"SEO is not dead in 2020, nor will SEO ever be dead, as long as the internet continues to exist."
- Information Architecture: The Intersection of Users, Content and Context | Adobe XD Ideas
"Information architecture focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content, and how it all fits together, so that users can easily find the information they need and complete tasks."