Diigo Bookmarks 04/07/2019
- Print Styling, the 3 Basics · Jens Oliver Meiert
"A "negative" print style sheet means to explicitly cater only for non-print media, and not do anything for print but rely on appropriate HTML to be displayed according to user agents defaults."
- Building Robust Layouts With Container Units -- Smashing Magazine
"instead of requiring a repeated set of .grid and .row parent elements, container units measure from the :root of your document -- just like using a rem unit."
- LukeW | An Event Apart: Putting Design in Design Systems
"Design systems need a focus. One company's design system should not work for another company. A good "onlyness" statement can only apply to one company, it would not work for other companies."
- Sass Techniques from the Trenches | CSS-Tricks
"In my experience, finding the balance between simple and complex is the crucial component to making great software. Software should not only be easy for people to use, but for you and other developers to maintain in the future."
- Short note on scoping mechanisms | TPG - Digital Accessibility Solutions
"From testing a range of 'simple' data tables with modern browsers, a case where the scope attribute is actually needed on all th elements to disambiguate row and column header has not been found."
- The Elements of UI Engineering -- Overreacted
"I encourage you to create a tiny app with no libraries, and play with reproducing and solving these problems. There's no one right solution to any of them. Learning comes from exploring the problem space and trying different possible tradeoffs."