Diigo Bookmarks 04/06/2019
- Introducing Warp: Fixing Mobile Internet Performance and Security
"Today we're excited to announce what we began to plan more than two years ago: the App with Warp performance and security technology."
- The Well-Balanced Developer - The Principal Developer by Eduards Sizovs
"Some developers are worth more than others. The bigger impact you can make on the organization, the higher is your worth. To make a significant impact on the organization, the developer must keep 5 essential skills in balance"
- Reducing Notification Permission Prompt Spam in Firefox - Firefox Nightly News
"over the last few years the ecosystem has seen a rise in unsolicited, out-of-context permission prompts being put in front of users, particularly ones that ask for permission to send push notifications. In the interest of protecting our users and the web platform from this, we plan to experiment with restricting how and when websites can ask for notification permissions."
- You probably don't need that hip web framework - Charged
"has the modern stack killed experimentation, and shipping bad ideas? Do weird experiments and fun ideas die on the floor, tangled in complexity, more often now? I'd hazard a guess that the answer is yes, and that you should probably skip that hipster framework--for now--as well. Just ship something instead."
- DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding Between W3C and WHATWG
"if W3C management and the WHATWG Steering Group cannot reach agreement on a single HTML or DOM standard through direct negotiations, W3C may (under rights granted by the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) copyright license, or a successor copyright license that is at least as permissive, as specified in the WHATWG Intellectual Property Rights policy) publish a Recommendation with differences, and WHATWG may terminate this MOU."
- New WebKit Features in Safari 12.1 | WebKit
"Web Inspector has also been improved with a new toggle in the Elements tab to easily switch between the light and dark mode. This helps developers test both color schemes without switching the whole system."