Diigo Bookmarks 11/03/2018
- My list of over 600 web development feeds | Web Platform News
"Today I am releasing my OPML file containing over 600 web development feeds, which you can import into your preferred feed reader. I rely on these feeds for my work on Web Platform News"
- Web Performance 101: JS, CSS, HTTP, images & fonts | PerfPerfPerf
"This is an introduction to the modern web loading performance. Learn why performance is important, what performance optimizations exist and what tools help to understand if your app is doing well."
- PWA Q&A | Aaron Gustafson
"Over the past few months, I've been running a series of question and answer sessions regarding progressive web apps. Some are videos, others are threads on Twitter. Given how much content there is at this point, I thought I'd roll it up into a post so you can see it all at once."
- Dark Mode and CSS • The Breakroom
"A related standard for supported-color-schemes is still being worked out. The idea behind this new meta tag is to give authors control over how colors switch automatically for form controls, scrollbars, and system colors like ButtonText."
- Initab - Chrome New Tab Extension for Developers
"Replace Chrome's new tab page with a dashboard of useful tools to make your job as a programmer easier."
- Instart Logic is Now Instart | Instart Logic
""Instart" is now our official company name. This new identity, along with a companion rebranding initiative, reflects our firm's commitment to making digital properties as fast, visually appealing, and profitable as possible."