Diigo Bookmarks 10/09/2017
"CSS variables are opening up exciting new possibilities, like creating a very performant live theme editor that dynamically updates CSS values."
Re-designing the smartphone Dial-Pad – uxdesign.cc
"These new designs try to overcome the problem of the thumb reach by bringing all the frequently used buttons as closer to the “natural zone” as possible."
Flat Design: Why you should question Nielsen Norman’s research on the trendy design style.
"It may be that flat UI does have some disadvantages when compared to UI with depth but it’s risky to make that determination based on a single study like the one we’ve reviewed here."
"Recently we have been working with our colleagues at Freedom Scientific to bring the same sense of open dialogue we enjoy with other web software implementers to JAWS. This has taken the form of an open issue tracker for the JAWS screen reader."
Adactio: Journal—Notifications
"I’m always shocked when I’m out and about with someone who has their phone set up to notify them of any activity—a mention on Twitter, a comment on Instagram, or worst of all, an email."