Diigo Bookmarks 08/17/2017
SpeedCurve | The average web page is 3MB. How much should we care?
"If you're not actively using performance budgets to set thresholds for metrics like page size, start render, and Speed Index, you should start."
The Web Font Loading Glossary—zachleat.com
"After publishing The Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies, I had a few requests to define a few terms used there. This document is a response to those requests."
Accessibility in Email Webinar Recap
"As of latest checks, the only ARIA role we recommend is presentation. We cover why in this blog, but a short answer is that Webmails will all use ARIA roles inconsistently. Hopefully, in the future, we will have more uniform support and can start using ARIA for all things email."
Accessibility Testing with pa11y
"pa11y, pronounced pally, is a set of free and open source tools that aims to make designing and developing accessibility easier. They have a number of different projects to help with this, for example a web dashboard interface, but I will be focusing on 2 of their projects: pa11y and pa11y-ci."
"Our friends at Barclays have designed some beautiful posters of the Inclusive Design Principles shared under Creative Commons. We thought we’d ask David Caldwell, Digital Accessibility Manager at Barclays, to share with us how they are using the principles in-house."
NASA’s Voyager Spacecraft Still Reaching for the Stars After 40 Years | NASA
"Humanity’s farthest and longest-lived spacecraft, Voyager 1 and 2, achieve 40 years of operation and exploration this August and September. Despite their vast distance, they continue to communicate with NASA daily, still probing the final frontier."