Diigo Bookmarks 07/13/2017
"Beginning in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, we intend to disable VBScript execution in IE 11 for websites in the Internet Zone and the Restricted Sites Zone by default, to provide a more secure experience."
Evolution of the LEGO logo | Logo Design Love
"The red, white, yellow, and black LEGO logo is synonymous with one of the world’s largest toy manufacturers, but it didn’t always look so familiar."
Designed lines. — Ethan Marcotte
"Internet access—much like healthcare, education, and food—should be a universal right. But clearly, we’re not there yet."
Let's Talk About Speech CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Unfortunately, current support for CSS speech is limited. But learning what it can and can't do, and the situations in which it could be used is still vital for developers."
CSS Isn’t Black Magic – freeCodeCamp
"What’s worse is that many developers in the front end community have come to dismiss CSS as a toy language. The truth however is that when we hit a wall, many of us don’t actually understand what our CSS is doing under the hood."
Pretty Pixels vs. Functional Design – Petar Stojakovic – Medium
"For me, design is something that purely connects us all, and it is supposed to be about creating something that is not only pretty, but also useful."