Diigo Bookmarks 05/27/2017
Accessibility improvements in EdgeHTML 15 - Microsoft Edge Dev BlogMicrosoft Edge Dev Blog
"EdgeHTML 15 now correctly maps images with an empty HTML “alt” attribute to the presentation role, per the W3C HTML Accessibility API Mappings."
Floating labels are a bad idea – Simple = Human – Medium
"Forms are not a source of entertainment. The floating label won’t make users enjoy using forms. Users don’t care. They just want the outcome."
What is the Future of Front End Web Development? | CSS-Tricks
"The way HTML is constructed and how it ends up in the DOM will continue to change. But you'll still need to know what good HTML looks like."
Mobile web performance on news websites too slow for many - mobiForge
"All news websites in India scored relatively well in tests, with an average time to interactive of 7.7 seconds."
Design Before Code - Accessibility from the Ground Up: Part 2
"In terms of accessibility, defining accessibility features for patterns within a library can greatly reduce the amount of work needed to make a page or a site accessible."
A Unified Styling Language – SEEK blog – Medium
"It’s completely reasonable to find CSS-in-JS to be ill-fitting for your work right now, but my hope is that it’s for the right reasons, rather than superficial objections to mere syntax."