Diigo Bookmarks 05/13/2017
"The Landmarks extension has been re-tooled to work on a range of modern browsers (with support for Edge an aspiration for the near future)."
The :focus-within pseudo class | Ian Devlin
"The :focus-within pseudo class becomes active when an element itself has focus or if any of its descendants does."
Breaking Out With CSS Grid Layout - Cloud Four
"we can see that what we’re really after isn’t so much a fixed-width container with margins… it’s more of a three-column layout, with a main column flanked by two gutters. Most content will fill only the middle portion, but our super-fancy visual content will span all three."
Designing a Styleguide: Elements That Go Into Building Compelling Products | HeyDesigner
"The goal of this article is to introduce you to some well-thought-out styleguides and branding guidelines. It also details some of the most important elements every styleguide should have."
"An eloquent design system for a complex world. Now’s the time for bold, scalable, universal design. This is a transformation. A step into the future of sensory experiences. The world is at our fingertips – join us in building a design evolution."
Tracing the history of CSS fonts
"As part of my perpetual obsession with typography, as well as CSS, I’ve been looking into how we got to having more web fonts than we can shake a stick at."