Diigo Bookmarks 05/01/2017
Gemini 2, duplicate file finder for Mac
"Locates and removes identical and similar files on your Mac. It’s uber-fast, laser-accurate, and plain excellent."
Five Techniques to Lazy Load Images for Website Performance — SitePoint
"In this article, you will learn about five approaches to lazy loading images that you can add to your web optimization toolkit to improve the user experience on your website."
Grid “fallbacks” and overrides - rachelandrew.co.uk
"Defined in the CSS Grid Specification are the ways in which grid interacts with other layout methods. These definitions mean that as soon as an item becomes a grid item, other behaviour that you may have used for older browsers is overwritten."
Stop using CSS in JavaScript for web development – Gajus Kuizinas – Medium
"I surveyed people reasons for using styled-components on IRC, Reddit and Discord and compiled a list of common responses for choosing to use styled-components. I call them myths."
The Origin of the IMG Tag - The History of the Web
"Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, was hesitant too. He suggested that Andreessen instead use the anchor tag to display inline images instead of creating something entirely new."
Designing for the Appearance of Speed | Mobify
"As the Houston airport found out, satisfying users is more than about adding resources – it’s also about understanding what makes people tick. Here are three ways you can start leveraging customer perceptions about performance"