Diigo Bookmarks 10/31/2016
Designing with SVG: Increase Visitor Engagement With These 5 Tips
"So if this file format is so versatile, why aren’t more web designers and developers incorporating SVGs into client projects?"
Grid Layout Summertime - Rego's Everyday Life
"Grid gutters have been added a while ago into the different implementations, but we were lacking support for percentage gaps."
Hyperlink Usability: Guidelines For Usable Links - Usability Geek
"Even if your links are not blue, the colour is so strongly associated with clickability that any blue text is bound to encourage users to click. If the blue text is not clickable, this results in frustration."
Styling Underlines on the Web | CSS-Tricks
"Styling the underlines that sit beneath links can be a tricky business, and I constantly forget what’s the best approach depending on the situation."
The Future of Web Fonts | Viljami Salminen
"Why should we live with inflexible type that doesn’t scale, when the core nature of our medium is fluid and responsive?"
Spoooooky CSS Selectors | CSS-Tricks
"Let's get into the spirit a little bit this year with some Halloween themed posts!"