Diigo Bookmarks 10/12/2016
Coming soon: Android 7.1 Developer Preview | Android Developers Blog
"Image keyboard support — expands the types of content that users can enter from their keyboards, letting them express themselves through custom stickers, animated gifs, and more."
The State of HTML5 Input Elements
"Although input field localisation is implemented, we developers cannot control it in any browsers except Firefox."
Thoughtful CSS Architecture | Sparkbox | Web Design and Development
"Nathan provides an introduction to CSS architecture that will help you design a structure for your code so your projects and teams can grow without becoming an unmanageable mess."
"When I created the diagram in 2004, I had two goals: to make the case that usability is necessary but not sufficient, and to bridge the communities of user experience and experience design."
Web Directions We have to talk about JavaScript - Web Directions
"What’s certainly beyond doubt is that we’re building very complex, sophisticated and often important things on the Web, and yet the Web as a platform, and its enabling technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the DOM, are still often perceived by those in the computing fields as they were two decades ago: as “toys”– anaemic and under-powered."
Inclusive design toolkit download – Microsoft Design
"We’ve developed a toolkit to show how human diversity can create better design constraints. And how to connect seemingly niche solutions to broader markets. This toolkit can be used with any existing design processes."