Diigo Bookmarks 03/13/2016
Is Microsoft changing the game for accessible browsers? | AbilityNet
"separating the process from the ‘front end’ of the browser will mean that changes in the User Interface (UI ) won’t necessarily affect what is delivered through the API."
"Audit the CSS on a page to see what elements are using styles from the style guide and which styles are overriding them."
10 things to need to know about CSS
"CSS may look as a simple language. In fact it can be simple only to use, but definitely not simple to maintain."
Learn From the Past, Enhance for the Future, From the Notebook of Aaron Gustafson
"Seeing this pattern repeat time and time again is why I’m so drawn to the philosophy of progressive enhancement; it’s not only concerned with supporting the past… it’s setting us up for success in the future."
Why “managing accessibility” doesn’t work (and how to do better) » Simply Accessible
"Don’t let the responsibility fall on to only one person (or one small group)—Involve all team members in this process."
BackstopJS: Catch CSS curve balls
"BackstopJS is a config-driven automated screenshot test application for responsive websites and web-applications."