Diigo Bookmarks 03/01/2016
Should you have defaults styles for `table`? | CSS-Tricks
"Seems like it's popular not to use default table styles."
Why accessibility is key for search and visibility | Search Engine Watch
"A good rule of thumb for accessibility is making sure that all information is delivered to the user in more than one way."
Preload: What Is It Good For? – Smashing Magazine
"Preload is destined for current navigation, just like subresource, but it includes one small yet significant difference. It has an as attribute, which enables the browser to do a number of things that subresource and prefetch did not enable"
Styleguide Toolbox - Templates, UI Kits, Tools & Generators
"The great thing about these Styleguide resources is that there is undoubtedly one that will let you work the way you want to."
"The key takeaway I’d like to leave you with is the importance of divorcing semantics and style: our choice of h1–h6 is a purely semantic decision, and should not carry or impact cosmetics."
"Keep DOM order readable: for accessibility, mobile optimization, device adaptability, and long-term maintainability."