Diigo Bookmarks 02/23/2016
Go from design to execution, fast.
"Visually bind your custom design into a database - Execute your CMS in a snap, and rethink the entire process of creating the web"
"Helps build awareness of the design system and helps get the organization excited about and invested in the concept. This can lead to more time, funding, and resources dedicated to maintaining and growing the design system."
Samsung Gear 360 - The Official Samsung Galaxy Site
"Capture some of the best times of your life with Gear 360 and relive the moments through your Gear VR and Galaxy smartphone."
Editing CSS with the Visual Styles Sidebar | WebKit
" Instead of requiring the you to know all the property names and the values for each — intelligent editing widgets are preprogrammed with over 150 of the most common CSS properties and their valid values."
The Power of Responsive Design Sprints — Medium
"We’ve found that agile design is ideally suited for designing responsive patterns. It allows us to focus on small pieces of a design and iterate on them quickly."
jiahaog/nativefier: Wrap any web page natively without even thinking, across Windows, OSX and Linux
"Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc.) for use on Windows, OSX and Linux."