Diigo Bookmarks 01/02/2016
"PostCSS plugin to sort rules content with specified order. Heavily inspired by CSSComb."
The value of accessibility | Webdesigner Depot
"All of us unfortunately are susceptible to the disabilities that come from getting older like memory loss, hard-of-hearing, deteriorating vision and limited movement."
The HTTP 451 Error Code for Censorship Is Now an Internet Standard | Motherboard
"Now, when an internet user hits a web page that has been blocked for legal reasons (read: censorship), they may be presented with a 451 error instead of the more generic 403 “forbidden” error. This is a win for transparency."
CSS WG Blog – 2015 Snapshot and Prefix Policy Update
"The CSS WG has finally published a new CSS Snapshot: the CSS 2015 snapshot. This includes the new experimental implementations policy aka “prefix policy”"
How to Speak Typography: Terms You Should Know ~ Creative Market Blog
"This is by no means an exhaustive list of typographic terms, but getting to know these and how to apply them will go a long way toward developing anyone as a typographer and designer."
The Top UX Predictions for 2016 | UX Magazine
"Instead of relying on touches, the next frontier will concern more voice-based commands, completing the full UX circle. This innovation just started to permeate the industry in 2015, most notably with apps like Square Cash and Google Translate."