Diigo Bookmarks 11/26/2015
Paul Adam Bookmarklets For Accessibility - Maxability
"Paul J Adam the well known expert in the accessibility industry has published bookmarklets for testing the accessibility bugs on web pages. These bookmarklets are easy to use. All that you need is a web browser and internet connection to use them."
"GIFs have pretty good browser support, yes, but the advantages of SVGs outweigh theirs in almost every aspect. There might be exceptions, and in those cases do, by all means, use GIFs or any other image format that does a better job than SVG would. You might even use Video or HTML5 Canvas or whatever."
HTML5 for the mobile Web: the Network Information API | mobiForge
"Despite not being a standard, it enjoys decent support across the main mobile browsers. It’s a pretty simple API to use, particularly in comparison with some of the HTML5 APIs we’ve looked at recently on this site (Service Workers, I’m looking at you!)"
How to animate "box-shadow" with silky smooth performance | Tobias Ahlin
"How do you animate the box-shadow property in CSS without causing re-paints on every frame, and heavily impacting the performance of your page? Short answer: you don't. Animating a change of box-shadow will hurt performance."
"A living design system is a well documented one. PatternPack is a static site generator that lets you document your interface using Markdown and a single grunt task."
HIKE: Our quick, simple accessibility primer | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code
"The primer teaches some essentials of web accessibility through simple exercises. HIKE is an acronym to help people remember the basic principles of writing accessible code for the web"