Diigo Bookmarks 08/18/2015
Developers please don’t detect my screen reader - Maxability
"Screen reader users are not second grade citizens, do not provide secondary way of browsing. Also maintenance of two different websites for the same purpose is a bad idea."
More Thoughts on Why Web Design is Dead | UX Magazine
"Responsive Web design forced us to think about our flexibility as designers, in terms of screen sizes and methods of interaction (that’s how “optimized for 1024x768” ended up being a ludicrous statement). Well, the same needs to happen now in an even broader sense"
BBC paper looks at the future of online captioning | Media Access Australia
"As people increasingly watch TV programs online, the opportunity arises for captions to be made more responsive to the needs of individual users. A new BBC white paper looks at some of the possibilities, which include users being able to vary font size and colour, along with many other enhancements."
Designing with Progressive Enhancement — sixtwothree.org
"Progressive enhancement in 2015 has evolved to mean: Making available to all users a baseline experience with access to core content and functionality by reducing assumption."
Push Notifications on the Web - Google Chrome | Dean Hume
"It is worth noting that Service Workers require secure origins to ensure that the script is from the intended origin and hasn’t come about from a man-in-the-middle attack. This means that you will need to use HTTPS on live site, although you can use localhost during development."
"This mixin will allow you to get an overview of all the zones of your layout, get a grayscaled version to check the contrast, as well as 8 different filters to emulate the most common coloblindness types"