Diigo Bookmarks 07/15/2015
The Call To Kill Adobe's Flash In Favor Of HTML5 Is Rising - ARC - ARC
"The technology industry finally agrees on one thing: Flash must die."
Protein - Front-end development workflow
"Protein sync changes from Sketch and sources in the repositories. All new changes from editors will be pushed to repository and then Protein will create new pull request for your front-end developers."
Print Stylesheet Approaches: Blacklist vs Whitelist | CSS-Tricks
"Whitelisting would be the opposite technique. In your print styles, everything would be hidden from print except for elements you explicitly choose."
"Find out with a full page screenshot and code analysis of your page."
WAI-ARIA 1.1 and Core-AAM 1.1 Updated Working Drafts | W3C News
"Core-AAM describes how user agents should expose semantics of content languages to accessibility APIs across multiple content technologies (including much of WAI-ARIA), and serves as the basis for other specifications to extend the mappings to specific technologies."
Web design isn’t dead. But even if it was, why so threatened?
"You see I am a user experience designer. I go where the user goes. I don’t care if that is a website, mobile device or an implant that allows them to download information into their brains."