Diigo Bookmarks 03/29/2015
13 Factors to Consider While Choosing a JavaScript Charting Library
"Having clear answers to questions like what exactly your dataviz is going to achieve, on which devices will it be used, how much time you have to build the application etc. will help you make the best use of guidelines mentioned below."
Being busy is lazy - Inside Intercom
"Ask yourself: What’s the one activity that I could cut in half and still achieve the desired results? Never stop asking it. Act on it."
Assessing Mobile Usability With Google Webmaster Tools
"In this article, we’ll review how to flag mobile issues in Webmaster Tools, explain the most common issues and learn how to assess mobile usability problems on your website based on these flags."
We need more moms in web design and development
"If we want more women in web design, we have to make it easier for them to stay in web design after they have kids."
Numeric Inputs - A Comparison of Browser Defaults | CSS-Tricks
"The spec, purposefully, stops short of telling implementations (browsers) how to handle UI. In this article we're looking specifically at <input type="number">"
Web Reflection: Bringing Custom Elements to IE8
"Truth is, same way I've found the minimum amount of hacks needed to make it work in all those platforms, and please bear in mind that even if disappearing Android 2 phones are still selling, I could have simply ignored Mutation Events and Mutation Observer."