Diigo Bookmarks 03/04/2015
AngularJS to Opera Mini: You're just not worth it! | mobiForge
"So what can AngularJS do? Perhaps Angular sites should progressively enhance, as Jeremy Keith suggests later in the same twitter thread, as it's much more difficult to add support retroactively."
"There's some JavaScript solutions out there that apply a tabindex="-1" to the target container, allowing focus to be given to these elements (but keeping them out of the normal keyboard tab flow). I generally prefer to skip the JavaScript and manually add the tabindex to the element."
Harnessing Flexbox For Today's Web Apps - Smashing Magazine
"Let’s look at a few good use cases for flexbox with web app modules."
Starting a SASS workflow with Alfred — Medium
"I like using Alfred to fire my SASS watch commands because it avoids the extra setup that comes with things like CodeKit, Hammer, and the like (plus avoids the fact that not everyone else uses a fancy app like that)."
Prerender - AngularJS SEO, BackboneJS SEO, or EmberJS SEO
"Allow your Javascript website to be crawled perfectly by search engines."