Diigo Bookmarks 02/21/2015
"In this post we’ll be animating a background image, as well as a subtle animation timing effect, and make a CSS demo out of one single HTML element."
Bringing asm.js to the Chakra JavaScript engine in Windows 10 - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"Earlier today, we flipped asm.js to “In Development” at status.modern.ie. Support for asm.js has been one of the top 10 most-requested items at the IE Suggestion Box on UserVoice since we launched it in December."
The Tyranny of Tables: Why Web and Email Design are So Different | Litmus
"In a nutshell, email designers have to take a page out of the web design handbook…circa the late 1990s. Back when web browsers hadn’t even heard of the web standards movement, designers relied on HTML tables to structure web pages. Since tables worked everywhere, they were the de facto standard."
Design Last - Smashing Magazine
"make sure everyone understands that you’re talking about structure and that you don’t mean to pause the project and wait for the client to deliver the final content."
Better SVG Fallback and Art Direction With The <picture> Element
"Unless you’re in need of interactivity or external styling, <img> is the standard way for loading an SVG image, but it has one disadvantage: you currently need JavaScript to provide fallback and/or change the image source for art direction."
Contrast Rebellion - to hell with unreadable, low-contrast texts!
"Low-contrast font color and unreadable texts? To hell with them!"