Diigo Bookmarks 08/28/2014
What does the smiley face ":)" mean in CSS? - Stack Overflow
"if you add a non-alphanumeric character such as an asterisk (*) immediately before a property name, the property will be applied in IE and not in other browsers."
Josh Emerson - How to secure your site in an afternoon
"If like me you’re adding HTTPS to a website on a single subdomain, you can actually get HTTPS certificates for free. I visited StartSSL who provide basic certificates for free."
heatmap.js | Dynamic Heatmaps for the Web
"heatmap.js v2.0 is the most advanced heatmap visualization library on the web."
"People usually are abusing features just because they can. It happened before, it's happening now and most likely it will happen again."
A List of Free Public CDNs for Web Developers
"A public CDN is a web service that hosts and serves open source projects used for web development (e.g. jQuery, AngularJS, and Bootstrap). Public CDNs allow websites to use their services for free."