Diigo Bookmarks 08/14/2014
August updates for Internet Explorer
"This update provides substantial improvements to the F12 developer tools - The user interface, console, DOM explorer, debugger, emulation tool, UI responsiveness and memory profiling tools all have new features and bug fixes."
What ARIA does not do | The Paciello Group – Your Accessibility Partner
"ARIA does not magically make any element act differently to what it is, it only provides a method to make it appear as something else to assistive technology users."
"However, in a 2014 ecosytem of screens that may vary between 300px phones to 4k displays, is this whole concept of ‘the fold’ now redundant?"
Clever Uses for Step Easing | CSS-Tricks
"A type of animation transition that jumps from keyframe to keyframe in a set number of steps, rather than packing in as many keyframes as possible as animations normally do."
A Better 404 Page | Smashing Magazine
"Google’s Custom Search API is a tool for searching within an individual website. When set up, it enables you to retrieve what it considers to be the best match from your website."