Diigo Bookmarks 07/14/2014
"This specification defines preconnect, preload, prefetch, and prerender hints that the developer, or the server generating or delivering the resources, can use in an interoperable way to assist the user agent in the decision process of which origins it should connect to, which resources it should fetch to improve performance, and which resources may be required by the next navigation."
SlexAxton/css-colorguard · GitHub
"CSS Colorguard helps you maintain the color set that you want, and warns you when colors you've added are too similar to ones that already exist."
Choose: Grunt, Gulp, or npm? - Pony Foo
"I wrote this brief article to help you understand the differences between Grunt, Gulp, and npm, which are the three build tools that I use most often in front-end development workflows."
Behold, the Fold - Cognition: The blog of web design & development firm Happy Cog
"With thousands of devices in use and all with vastly different resolution, there is no way to predict where the bottom of a viewport will fall."
SpeedCurve | Velocity: Responsive in the wild
"I was lucky enough to give a Lighting Demo at Velocity Conference in Santa Clara. The focus was on research I conducted into 250 responsive websites and how well optimized for performance they were."
Google Ranking Factors: The Complete List
"Some are proven. Some are controversial. Others are SEO nerd speculation. But they’re all here."