Diigo Bookmarks 12/03/2013
jQuery ReStable - Responsive tables to list jquery plugin
"jQuery ReStable is a very simple and lightweight (~1Kb) jQuery plugin that make tables responsive making them collapse into ul lists."
Colorpeek: A Simple Way to See and Share CSS Colors | CSS-Tricks
"Colorpeek helps you quickly see and share colors in whatever CSS notation you're already using. It supports hex, RGB(a), HSL(a), named colors and even some non-standard brand colors. They all get displayed in a simple, responsive layout."
Responsive Images, Part 1: Using srcset - SitePoint
"The only browsers that support srcset are the WebKit ones, Actually, since Chrome has moved to the Blink engine, we have to clarify that Chrome doesn’t support it anymore, eiher."
"Multilayer CSS organization methodology is based on BEM and OOCSS principles. It was invented in OK.ru (Top 10 world social network) developers team and is recommended for other developers as core for own documentation and team based methodologies."
"The goal of this new delivery system is to get packages into customers' hands in 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles."