Diigo Bookmarks 11/27/2013
W3DEVCAMPUS Responsive Web Design » W3DEVCAMPUS
"The W3C “Responsive Web Design” course leads you step by step through an approach that focuses on HTML and CSS to make your Web site fit in all viewport sizes."
The Naked Android | VisionMobile
"It had become painfully clear to Android’s executives: they had officially lost control. The operating system had been forked by Amazon and too many Asian handset makers."
The HTML5 meter Element | CSS-Tricks
"The following is a guest post by Pankaj Parashar. Pankaj has written here before, last time about the progress element. Fitting indeed then to write again about the very related meter element. "
12 Most-Wanted Sublime Text Tips and Tricks
"After exploring it for a while, you might be surprised that you can do quite a number of cool things in SublimeText."
Responsive Design: A Critical Piece of User Experience :: UXmatters
"We need to sell RWD as a comprehensive solution, not merely the ability to display a Web site on a smartphone."
Bugshot — Stuff & Nonsense, And All That Malarkey
"Bugshot doesn’t do a whole lot, it just lets you draw boxes and arrows over the screenshots that it finds in the camera roll on your iPhone or iPad and then export the new images back to your camera roll or to Dropbox, email or Twitter and Facebook."