Diigo Bookmarks 10/22/2013
All I want to do is build a web site (and launch it) – Grow
"Grow is all of the following: a web application, a platform, a specification for how to define the structure of a web site, and, importantly, a way to manage all of the things (and people) involved in the web site production process."
Adactio: Journal—Classy values
"Is it wasteful to use a class value that is never used by the CSS? Possibly. But I think it serves a useful purpose for any humans (developer or end user) reading the markup, or potentially machines parsing/scraping the markup."
"Architecting good CSS in complex web applications is hard (that’s why good front-end developers are in such demand, after all), but we shouldn’t be making it harder both for newcomers and ourselves by imposing arbitrary ‘rules’ that ultimately come with unnecessary complexity and onerous maintenance costs attached."
Challenging CSS Best Practices | Smashing Coding
"Because presentational class names have always been deemed “out of bounds,” we — the community — have not really investigated what their use entails. In fact, in the name of best practice, we’ve dismissed every opportunity to explore their potential benefits."
IE8 is Going the Way of the Dodo, So Why Support a Dying Species? by ZURB
"Microsoft has adopted an automatic update process that will force most IE9 users to auto upgrade to IE10, resulting in a shorter life cycle for IE9."
Ten years of Sliding Doors of CSS — Stuff & Nonsense, And All That Malarkey
"Nostalgia? Sure, but a great reminder of just how lucky we are today with our developed CSS and browser compatibility we could only dream about in 2003."