Diigo Bookmarks 10/21/2013
Lightening Your Responsive Website Design With RESS | Smashing Mobile
"This article explains how to use RESS (responsive design with server-side components) to make significant performance and reach improvements to a website for both mobile and desktop devices alike. This technique requires just a few lines of code, some simple configuration and no ongoing maintenance."
Responsive image workflow | Boris Smus
"CH is a new header used to pass information to the server about the user agent. With it, you can specify the devicePixelRatio (DPR) of your device explicitly"
Responsive Retinas Strike Back — Drew Wilson
"In my experience the double whammy effect is really not that big of a deal for pages without many images. And any solution anyone comes up with is just temporary, since a native solution is already on it’s way."
Retina Images That Respond — Drew Wilson
"For images that appear as a CSS background-image, you’ll want to set the background-size property to “cover”. Doing this will ensure the image always fits within it’s container whether it’s a retina image or not."
We Can't Rely on Color - SitePoint
"What concerns me is that we’re throwing away design components which actually served an important purpose — powerful and well-understood visual cues, like borders, bevels and shadows."
LukeW | Multi-Device Web Design
"The good news is you don't need lots of different Web sites to provide a great experience across all these devices. In fact, you only need one Web site with a multi-device design. The bad news is it requires a different way of designing and developing for the Web."