Diigo Bookmarks 04/06/2013
Juicy Studio: aria-controls - lack of support
"The only browser/assistive technology combination that I'm aware of that supports this relationship at the moment is Firefox/JAWS."
"It's likely that Blink will indeed speed up progress, as the Chrome team claims, it will not increase fragmentation, and little will change for web developers in the short run. "
» 8 Guidelines and 1 Rule for Responsive Images Cloud Four Blog
"No one knows what the future of responsive images holds. A few years from now, we will probably look back on the hacks we're using and laugh at our naivety."
Responsive Deliverables - daverupert.com
"The traditional way to handle complexity in programming is to break large complex things into smaller well-formed "modules"."
Rosenfeld Media | Interview with Responsive Design Expert Aaron Gustafson
"Be adaptable, but keep your eye on the big picture."
Drop-Down Navigation: Responsive and Touch-Friendly · Osvaldas Valutis
"CSS pseudo selector :target makes it easy to toggle menu as the anchor's href attribute coincides with CSS ID selector name."
ARIA (sydjs lightning talk) | the 200ok weblog
"If you already have to define state and declare element relationships for your JavaScript, why not use ARIA attributes instead of generic classes or data attributes?"