Diigo Bookmarks 04/03/2013
"We have added Parallels for Mac images for all IE versions." キタコレ。
A Response to 'Responsive Web Design is Not the Future'
"This kind of shallow thinking is what leads organizations to embrace short-term solutions instead of addressing the legitimately hard problems we're facing."
Making accessible icon buttons | NCZOnline
"You can give screen readers a hint by using the aria-label attribute on the <button> element."
Mars Gigapixel Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar days 136-149
"NASA's Mars Exploration Program (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) 4 billion pixels panorama of Mars"
"I wish I had a toggle for the bad responsive designs, the ones that "don't get it" (i.e they hide content and bastardise the experience rather than adapt it appropriately)."
"The counter-increment property is a bit special with the keyword page - it increments automatically according to the specification, so you don't need it at all."