Diigo Bookmarks 02/19/2013
Can I Still Use Px? - Vanseo Design
"If you are going to choose px please have a reason other than not wanting to do the math."
APOD: 2013 February 18 - The Great Russian Meteor of 2013
"The above video is a compilation of several car dashcams and includes real time footage of the meteor rampaging, smoke trails drifting, shadows quickly shifting, and even the meteor's light reflecting off the back of a bus."
Adactio: Journal—Designing for Touch by Josh Clark
"Digital is growing more physical. Physical is growing more digital. Our job is becoming less about pixels on screens and more about interacting with the world."
Why Mozilla Matters | Brendan Eich
"I expect more web engines in the next ten years, not fewer, given hardware trends and the power wall problem."
Zooming bug in Webkit | AlastairC
"I don’t know what the root cause is, however, from a front-end development point of view it is as though Firefox and Internet Explorer increase the effective pixel size, so when you zoom in there are less pixels in the same area. Webkit does not seem to take the same approach."
Why Responsive Web Design Has To Win Out | Smashing Mobile
"No matter how many versions you support, if you’re using separate websites, you’re supporting too many. Ideally, you should only have to support one. Responsive design makes sense today. It makes more sense tomorrow."
Making elements keyboard focusable and clickable | 456 Berea Street
"If you simply cannot or will not use real buttons, make sure your fake buttons can be focused and activated without using a mouse."
No more 'Mobile' by Jim Ramsden
"Mobile Users will become ‘Users’, Mobile Web will become ‘Web’, and they’ll be so many devices in so many sizes that deciding what to ring fence as a Mobile device will become impossible. I’d argue that it already is."