Diigo Bookmarks 01/05/2013
Why 2013 Is the Year of Responsive Web Design
"Technically, detecting device functionalities may be referred to as "adaptive design," rather than "responsive," but increasingly both approaches are used in tandem."
Juicy Studio: Accessible Browser Validation in HTML5
"The email and url input types and required attribute are implemented in the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Opera, but only the Firefox implementation is completely accessible."
"As usual, there was no source that gives clear, concise, accurate information about the three syntaxes and the four rendering engines, so I decided to write it myself."
» Responsive Design for Apps — Part 1 Cloud Four Blog
"But for web developers, the screen resolution—and more specifically the viewport size—make a bigger difference than the physical size. And when it comes to viewport size, the differences between tablets and phones are less clear. "
Pseudo Element Animations/Transitions Bug Fixed in WebKit | CSS-Tricks
"It has been a long-standing bug in WebKit that pseudo elements (like ::before and ::after) cannot be animated or transitioned. As of yesterday that bug was fixed thanks to Elliott Sprehn."
Juicy Studio: HTML5 caption element and headings
"Last year, I had an interesting conversation with my colleague Hans Hillen, who suggested using regular HTML heading elements within the data table's caption element."
DingoAccess » Headings: Who Needs ‘em?
"This is a story about web page headings and sub-headings: A story that tries to look beyond the absurd distinctions that are sometimes made about the usability and accessibility of web content, to ask who needs headings and why."