Diigo Bookmarks 10/04/2012
SearchLoad Options :: Add-ons for Firefox
"It can automatically clear the searchbar and change the search engine after each search."
Notes on accessibility of Microsoft.com’s new home page | The Paciello Group Blog
"The positive effect of using the HTML5 doctype is that when validating the HTML code ARIA use is not flagged as an error (maybe in this case it should be)."
Blame the implementation, not the technique | TimKadlec.com
"CSS preprocessors, PhoneGap, user agent detection, responsive design—these are tools. They are neither inherently bad or good. Their quality depends on the way you wield them."
Combining Responsive and Adaptive Strategies to Solve Mobile Design Challenges | UX Magazine
"The best solution is often achieved by combining RWD with AWD, so that you enjoy the cost and time efficiencies of RWD while offering the better user mobile experience that AWD offers in prioritized content areas."……AWDって最適化とは違う気がするのだけど。
A New Microsoft.com | Trent Walton
"Rather than waiting for the greater web community to clearly hash out best RWD practices, Microsoft has jumped in early, joining us in the trenches with an abundance of resources and zeal."
Flight Testing Summary | AeroVelo
"we achieved flight, becoming the forth human-powered helicopter in history to do so; the final weight of the helicopter and the power required to fly turned out to be surprisingly close to the predicted values; and, although not fully tested yet, our system for control actuation looks very promising."……何このデカさ。
Taking Our Email Campaigns to a Responsive Level by ZURB
"We found out that using attribute selectors to assign styles will make sure browsers don't pick up mobile styles they're not supposed to."