Diigo Bookmarks 12/19/2011
"CSSJanus is CSS parser utility designed to aid the conversion of a website's layout from left-to-right(LTR) to right-to-left(RTL)."
Multiple Attribute Values | CSS-Tricks
"Works in IE7+ (because IE 7 was first IE to support attribute selectors)"
"It uses an awesome LEGO Brick capture technology that turns your iPhone/iPod into a revolutionizing new experience, giving you hours of building fun with endless possibilities (marketing told me to put that in)."
A Modern Marketing Strategy ? Social Media Marketing & ZMOT from Google
"At Google, we call this online decision-making moment the Zero Moment of Truth -- or simply ZMOT."
Updated Look for IEBlog - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"Run your Windows applications on OSX without the need of buying a Windows license. Well, you even do not need to install Windows. Just download WinOnX and you are ready to go within 2 minutes."