Diigo Bookmarks 12/04/2011
How To Set Up A Print Style Sheet - Smashing Coding
"While using CSS3 for screen layouts is pretty common nowadays, it hasn’t quite established itself in the print environment yet."
More People Browse On Mobile Than Use IE6 & IE7 Combined
"The world of browsers is in flux. Chrome has passed Firefox, and mobile is bigger than IE 6 and IE 7. Internet Explorer still rules the world, mind you. 40.63% of Web use in November was on IE, most of it on IE 8. But there was a surge of 5.7%, the biggest growth in share of any browser last month, toward IE 9+, showing that people are upgrading their browsers at last."
How YOU can join the W3C HTML5 Working Group in 4 easy steps | The Paciello Group Blog
"Note: Any HTML working group member can join the accessibility taskforce and are encouraged to!"
Accessibility Support for Aging Populations | Karl Groves
"It seems pretty clear that there’s a real ROI behind making a site more user-friendly for seniors."
"Keep track of your contacts. Phonedeck stores all your phone contacts in the cloud and assists in keeping this information updated."
The difference between width:auto and width:100% | 456 Berea Street
"As long as the value of width is auto, the element can have horizontal margin, padding and border without becoming wider than its container"