Diigo Bookmarks 12/02/2011
Accessibility Increases Compatibility with Mobile/ Alternative Devices | Karl Groves
"40% of adults use the internet, email or instant messaging on a mobile phone. The numerous relationships between Mobile Web Best Practices and WCAG would seem to imply that this could be among the strongest business cases for accessibility."
Chrome Overtakes Firefox Globally for First Time | StatCounter Global Stats
"The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome took 25.69% of the worldwide market (up from 4.66% in November 2009) compared to Firefox's 25.23%. Microsoft's Internet Explorer still maintains a strong lead globally with 40.63%."
Reverse Ordered Lists in HTML5 | Impressive Webs
"With all the hype surrounding the new APIs and the fancy parts of CSS3, I had almost forgotten about the new reversed attribute that allows you to write a descending list of numbered items, as opposed to the default ascending list of numbered items."
"Loadtimer is intended to be used to measure page load times on mobile devices."
Move The Web Forward | Guide to getting involved with standards and browser development
"You love web standards. You want to give back to the community. Curious about where to start? We're here to help."
APOD: 2011 November 30 - Curiosity Rover Lifts Off for Mars
"Next stop: Mars. This past weekend the Mars Science Laboratory carrying the Curiosity Rover blasted off for the red planet atop an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, as pictured above."