Diigo Bookmarks 10/30/2011
Opera Reader: a new way to read the Web! - Dev.Opera
"In short, Opera Reader is the codex for the Web. We think it has to power to dramatically improve the way in which web content is consumed, by presenting it in a much more compelling fashion."
CSS Accessibility Community Group
"Document and describe how browsers and assistive technology currently implement CSS in regards to accessibility and guidance on how they should. The documentation and guidance will be directed at both CSS implementers and developers who use CSS. "
Introducing: JSHTML ? James Padolsey
"What I’m about to propose is no where near perfection but it provides something that you cannot get with either of the above methods: The ability to define an HTML structure exactly as you would normally… within the HTML document itself."
Mobile Performance Manifesto | David Calhoun's Developer Blog
"In any case, it was time for a roundup of mobile performance best practices, in blog form."
ishida >> blog ? Managing CSS style sheets for LTR and RTL variants of a page
"The new properties have been strongly recommended to the CSS WG several times over recent years, but have been blocked mainly by people who fear that a proliferation of properties or values is confusing to users. There may be some issues to resolve with regards to the cascade, but I’ve never really understood why it’s so hard to use start and end."
「情報アーキテクチャの興亡と再起」についての覚え書き ? IA Spectrum
"情報アーキテクチャがソフトウェアプログラミングと別の流れをたどるに至ったのは、その当時には自然の成り行きだったように思う。ジェス・ジェームズ・ギャレット(JJG)は、「The Elements of User Experience」という有名なダイアグラムで両者を紐付けつつ、その分裂を強調してみせた。"