"Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites."
"Over the past three months, we’ve worked closely with the ACB to develop a survey that would give us a greater understanding of how people choose and learn about the assistive technologies they use."
"Keep your data always available and up-to-date no matter which machine you're on. With Synk 7's live sync, it'll even always be ready to go anytime you need to walk away."
"Not only does it include the features now found in Google Maps, but you have great features like cloud/radar animations, "sun" mode to show real-time global light and the combination of a few of those to make Earth look amazingly realistic from space."
"With this new feature, site owners can mark up their pages using the newly created music markup spec on schema.org, and search results for that site may start displaying song information in the snippet so that users know that there are songs or samples there for them to listen to"
"Links to the listing of elements in each category have been added in the suggested descriptive text. These links provide access for keyboard and AT users to the same level of detail for each category as is provided in the diagram for mouse users. This may not be an exact replication of the interactivity, but it is an improvement on what is offered currently."